Monday, November 4, 2013

Vocabulary List #9

ultimate-ending of a process; maximum
ex: It was his ultimate goal in life.

 interactive-reciprocal action, effect, or influence
ex: Smart phones are more interactive than ever.

 principle-an accepted rule of conduct
ex: It is important to have good moral principles.

 guidance-the act of showing leadership
ex: Parents often are a source of guidance for their kids.

 collaboration-the act or process of working together
ex: The students collaborated to finish their project.

 formative-giving form or shape; molding
ex: A formative stage in manufacturing.

ex: It was a summative assessment.

 racism-a belief that one race is superior to another based off of generalizations
ex: Racism was a major social issue in the 1960's.

 intelligence-capacity for learning, understanding, reasoning and other forms of mental activity
ex: Humans are known as the beings with the most amount of intelligence.

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