obesity-condition of being very overweight
ex: His obesity puts him at great risk for health problems.
accumulate-to gather or collect in gradual degrees
ex: Greedy people enjoy accumulating lots of money.
mass-a body of coherent matter of indefinite shape
ex: There was a mass of people protesting.
disease-any harmful condition of mind or society
ex: His disease started to affect his family as well.
diet-a particular selection of food and drink based on bettering yourself
ex: Some religions have diets that restrict certain foods.
prevalence-condition of being widespread
ex: In the Western World there is a prevalence of being overweight.
stigma-a mark of disgrace or infamy
ex: There is a social stigma of obesity.
prevent(able)-something that can be kept from occurring
ex: Heart disease is a preventable disease.
adolescent-someone that's not an adult yet; a child
ex: The man's youthful approach makes him seem adolescent.
cardiovascular-having to do with the heart and blood vessels
ex: Running is a good exercise for the cardiovascular system.
excessive-going beyond the typical or necessary limit
ex: Teenagers often eat an excessive amount of junk food.
mechanism-assembly of moving parts that perform a function
ex: An engine is a mechanism that propels a car.
sedentary-accustomed to sitting or resting a lot with little exercise
ex: Watching TV is a common activity for a person with a sedentary lifestyle.
predispose-to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible
ex: Family history of a disease can predispose a person of getting it.
syndrome-pattern of symptoms that are characteristic of a certain disease or disorder
ex: A person can have a syndrome of something even without showing symptoms.
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